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FreshUp! Prime Purify

FreshUp! Prime Purify

Regular price €49,99 EUR
Regular price Sale price €49,99 EUR
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Here's what you'll get with FreshUp! Prime Purify

  • 🚰 Pure tap water : Filters impurities and microorganisms.
  • 🌀 Washable ceramic filter : Easy to clean and long lasting.
  • 🔧 Easy Installation : Suitable for any faucet.
  • 🌱 Eco-friendly : Reduces waste and saves costs.

Order now on FreshUp and enjoy safe and clean water every day!

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FreshUp! Prime Purify

Addio al sapore di Cloro

FreshUp! Prime Purifyelimina il sapore del Cloro dall'acqua del rubinetto in pochi secondi.

Si installa a qualsiasi rubinetto in pochi secondi ed è stato progettato per garantire un getto fluido e costante

Passa all'acqua filtrata

FreshUp! Prime Purify

Proteggi la tua famiglia dai calcoli renali

FreshUp! Prime Purify tubature con troppo calcare potrebbe causare l'insorgere di dolorosissimi calcoli renali.

Il filtraggio di FreshUp separa queste particelle per darti acqua sicura

Proteggiti dai calcoli renali

FreshUp! Prime Purify

Ideale anche per gli amici a 4 zampe

Il tuo cane o gatto beve poco?

Sai bene che questo potrebbe causare problemi renali e scarsa vitalità per i nostri animali di casa

Con FreshUp vedrai che berranno con molta più voglia!

Fallo anche per loro

FreshUp! Prime Purify

Aiuta il tuo portafoglio e l'ambiente

Comprando ora un depuratore FreshUp! Prime Purify avrai la possibilità di acquistare un anno di filtri al 50%.

L'installazione è rapida e veloce, la qualità è per sempre!

Voglio bere acqua pura e filtrata

Domande Frequenti

Entro quanto tempo è prevista la consegna?

Contiamo di consegnarti Fresh-Up: Prime Purify entro 72h dalla ricezione dell'ordine.

Ad ogni modo avrai la possibilità di tracciare il pacco in ogni momento da qui

Di che materiali sono fatti i filtri di Fresh-Up: Prime Purify

Il nostro filtro è in ceramica con 4 stadi di filtraggio rapido per l'acqua che assorbono Cloro e Metalli Pesanti presente nell'acqua NON filtrata di rubinetto

Avete una politica soddisfatto o rimborsato?

Assolutamente sì, vi garantiamo 30 giorni di soddisfatto o rimborsato, ad ogni modo potete consultarla qui

Come funziona il Filtro?

Lo scarti dalla confezione, applichi affianco al rubinetto e premi con leggera forza.

Sentirai un "click" e il gioco è fatto!

Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Ideal for the family

With two small children, water quality is very important to us. FreshUp! Prime Purify was the perfect solution. The installation was simple and now we can drink and cook with purified water. It's a great relief to know that my children are drinking safe water. The taste is much better too. It is a product that I highly recommend to all families.

Roberto E.
Perfect for the office

I installed this purifier in the office and everyone is thrilled with it. The water tastes much fresher and you no longer need to buy water bottles. Easy to install and maintain, it is an ecological and economical solution. Everyone in the office is very appreciative and I have received a lot of positive feedback from colleagues. An excellent purchase!

Andrea L
Excellent for health

I am very careful about my health and drinking clean water is essential. FreshUp! Prime Purify was a great discovery. Effectively filters impurities and significantly improves the taste of water. Installation was easy and the filter lasts a long time. I also use it for cooking and washing fruit and vegetables. I am very satisfied and highly recommend it.

Good quality

The water quality has improved significantly since we installed FreshUp! Prime Purify. The flavor is fresher and there are no more unpleasant odors. However, the water flow is slightly reduced. Despite this, we are very happy with the product and recommend it to anyone who wants to improve the quality of their domestic water.

An ecological choice

FreshUp! Prime Purify not only improves water quality, but is also an eco-friendly choice. We have significantly reduced the purchase of plastic bottles and saved money. Setup was easy and the water tastes much better. It is perfect for drinking, cooking and washing fruits and vegetables. A product that is good for us and the environment.

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